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Seventh Tradition Donations

Please use our e-mail address to contact us and to make 7th Tradition Donations to the AFMVE using PayPal® or Zelle®
When making a donation please identify your meeting either by Meeting ID #, or Meeting Name, Day and Time – Thank you.

AFM VE Main Meeting Information

The AFMVE Main Meeting:

The AFMVE meets online on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at:
12:30 PM (PT) / 1:30 PM (MT) / 2:30 PM (CT) / 3:30 PM (ET)
8:30 PM (GMT) / 9:30 PM (CET) / 10:30 PM (ET) / (Thursday) 7:30 AM (AEDT).

AFMVE Main Meeting ZOOM Link

Meeting ID: 841 746 75175
Password: c3iJhM

The AFM VE Group Outreach Committee Meeting

The AFMVE Group Outreach Committee Meeting:

The AFMVE Outreach Committee also meets online on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at:
11:30 AM (PT) / 12:30 PM (MT) / 1:30 PM (CT) / 2:30 PM (ET)
7:30 PM (GMT) / 8:30 PM (CET) / 9:30 PM (ET) / (Thursday) 6:30 AM (AEDT).

AFMVE Group Outreach Committee ZOOM Link

Meeting ID: 836 0496 7839
Password: 286513