Seventh Tradition Donations
Our 7th Tradition reminds us that we are fully self-supporting through our own contributions. Donations to the Alternative Format Meetings Voting Entity (AFMVE) can be made via PayPal® or Zelle®. Our email address is Please include your CoDA Meeting's Group ID # when making a donation, or if you do not know your Meeting ID #, you can use the Day, Time and Meeting Name of your meeting. (You can find your Meeting ID Number in the Meetings Section at
Our History
The Alternative Format Meetings Voting Entity (AFMVE) originated as a taskforce to discuss and formulate how Alternative format meetings (AFM) should be organized and represented at the CoDA Service Conference. After months of debating and collaborating the Alternative Format Meetings Task Force transitioned to a CoDA recognized Voting Entity (VE) in April, 2023.
Why It Matters Today
Even as the number of In-person Meetings diminishes, Online, Phone and other Alternative Format Meetings continues to expand. CoDA IS Growing! There are now more than twice as many Alternative Format CoDA Meetings all around the world since the relaxation of pandemic restrictions. And this number is continuing to grow. Currently the Alternative Format Meetings Voting Entity (AFMVE) is the only VE with Delegates & Alternates representing all of these Alternative Format Meetings at CoDA Conferences. If you are a member of an Alternative Format Meeting, please consider encouraging your meeting to send Group Service Representatives (GSRs) to one of Our Regularly Scheduled Meetings. This will help to insure that your meeting's Group Conscience voices are heard by the entire CoDA Fellowship at all CoDA gatherings.